Jon (Marina Baranova/Murat Coskun)
Firebird (Marina Baranova/Murat Coskun)
Worldpercussion & Piano - Marina Baranova & Murat Coskun
„Piano meets World Percussion“
„Piano meets World Percussion“ is the first common project of two expressive and much in demand musicians. It is an exciting musical dialogue between Marina Baranova, renowned not only as a classical pianist, and Murat Coşkun, a master of frame drums who is considered as as an expert in world percussion.
Baranova and Coşkun met for the first time on the occasion of recordings with the legendary Giora Feidman. This coincidence led to the creation of a duo program in wich the audience literally can hear a spark jump over between piano and frame drums. Their intense collaboration for their first common CD 'Firebird' (Pianissimo Musik) generated compositions that make you feel the passion and creativity of the musicians.
Baranova and Coşkun inspire one another mutually. By means of improvisations they live out their extraordinary versatile musicality. They offer rhythm, groove and melodies and turn their audience into enthousiastic companions on an extraordinary musical journey.
Marina Baranova piano
Murat Coskun frame drums, percussion, vocals
Current CD (2013)
"Das Zusammenspiel der beiden ist traumwandlerisch sicher und von höchstem Respekt füreinander getragen. Die Pianistin ist allzeit in der Lage, auf Coskuns spontane Trommelkunst zu reagieren, sie in tragfähige eigene Ideen einzugliedern. (...) Perlende Läufe auf dem Klavier werden zu rhythmischen Mustern verdichtet, dunkel verhangene Trommelsalven münden in Wirbel silbern knirschender Beckenschläge. Dieses Duo, das vieles ausprobiert und improvisiert, liefert wahrhaft spannende Dialoge, die bei allem Kompositionsvermögen viel Frische und Spontaneität an den Tag legen." BZ 10/2013