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Frame Drum Seminar

Frame Drum Seminar 2018/2019 - start: 21st of Setember 2018

Under the direction of Murat Coşkun, the Tamburi Mundi e.V. offers in 2018 a yearlong frame drum seminar.

Target group:

- interested persons, who are artistically and musically active
- professions of the pedagogical field (teacher, pedagogues, team leader, educator,...)
- musicians who work in the professional or semi-professional field
- people who are interested in rhythm and would like to integrate frame drums in their work

Amount and composition:

6 week-ends of 15,5 hours each                                                                                                
Participation at the „2 Days-course“ during the Tamburi Mundi Festival 2018              
Total amount: 100 hours

Optionally and also individually bookable:

Pedagogical training: 4 x 2 Std.                                                                                      
Total amount: 8 hours


September 21th-23th 2018
November 09th-11th 2018
January 19th-21th 2019
March 8th-10th 2019
May 10th-12th 2019
July 26th – August 4th 2019 (3 days during this period - Tamburi Mundi Festival)
September 20th-22th 2019 (final examinations)


Murat Coşkun and others



Frame drum seminar:          1440.- EUR
Pedagogical training:            200.- EUR
Complete offer:                 1500.- EUR

Accommodation and food costs are not included.


Course location: Freiburg (Breisgau), Germany

Closing date: July 31st 2018

Information and registration:
Phone: 0049 176 2021 2826 (Murat Coskun) or info@murat-coskun.eu

Tamburi Mundi Freiburg e.V.

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