Das fliegende Kamel - Uçan Deve
Stories from Nasreddin Hodscha, narrated by Paul Maar.
Idea: Paul Maar
Speakers: Paul Maar, Murat Coşkun and İbrahim Sarıaltın
Music: Capella Antiqua Bambergensis, Murat Coşkun, İbrahim Sarıaltın, Yaschar and Malika Coşkun
Nasreddin Hodscha is the famous and wise fool, philosopher and story-teller of the Islamic world. The legend tells that he lived in the 14th century in Anatolia. In all of the stories conveyed, he should have lived in poor circumstances in a very village life surrounding. His only property is an old donkey. He is so poor, that he even has to lend even a cooking kettle from his neighbors.
In his very special way the author of books and theater plays Paul Maar narrates us in his work some of these old stories of Nasreddin Hodscha, and in that same style he invents new rascal stories of today.
The ensemble Capella Antiqua Bambergensis accompanies the reading with oriental and historical music, played on historical instruments. It is supported by the frame drum virtuoso Murat Coşkun and Ibrahim Sarıaltın with the Turkish lute and traditional chant.
The project was elected by the Department For Foreign Affairs into the “Ernst-Reuter- Initiative” as an especial contribution for the inter-cultural dialogue between Germany and Turkey. The project “Das fliegende Kamel” also was awarded in April 2013 with the „Preis der deutschen Schallplattenkritik“ and in 2015 with the German Media Prize "Leopold" .
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