Merasim: Percussion-Music from Persia and Turkey
Mohsen Taherzadeh: Daf, Tambur, Voice
Maryam Hatef: Daf, Voice
Murat Coşkun: Frame Drums, Hang, Percussion, Voice
Merasim (Eng. celebration, ceremony, ritual) is a percussion project of the percussionist Murat Coskun together with the virtuous master drummers from Isfahan, Mohsen Taherzadeh und Maryam Hatef. The three musicians met for the first time during the Tamburi Mundi Festival in Turkey. They invite their audience to their own musical celebration. With lots of energy and fun, they masterly succeed in lending a vivid soul to their instruments and music. Although, they do not only scoop into their Turkish or Persian traditions. Their music generates a sensitive and spiritual deepness, far away from a too exaggerated spirituality, and thereby coalesces a link of pure life energy, concentrated seriousness and a good dash of humor.
current CD (2012):
Press voices:
“The boisterously applauding visitors experienced veritable sound cascades of drums, lute and hang. (..) Sometimes in a frantic speed, the rhythms flew away and got caught again, which made the audience clap enthusiastically after the encore.” 2/11 Badener Tageblatt
Press comment
"Die heftig applaudierenden Besucher erlebten wahre Klangkaskaden von Trommeln, Laute und Hang. (...) In teils rasender Geschwindigkeit stoben die Rhythmen davon und wurden wieder eingefangen, was speziell nach der Zugabe für frenetischen Beifall sorgte." 2/11 Badener Tageblatt
Merasim: Shahe Shemshad Ghadan
Murat Coskun - frame drum, percussion, Maryam Hatef - daf, dayereh, Mohsen Taherzadeh - daf, tanbur, dotar, bj, vocals